Thursday, March 12, 2009
Okay, 3 assignments left. But for now, I wanna RESSSTT.
It had been quite tough, lots of work and clashes. First off, let me talk about the thing that kept me really busy for a week: the final review for architecture. We spent like weeks designing a house and drawing plans for it and all of my work was screwed and i had to design a new house during the last week before the final review, so I had abandoned my other work just to finish that cos helloh, it's 75% of the module.
Here's the final design. it's not much to look at but it has a pretty cool interior, or so i like to think. Hahaha. So anyway, we had to present our designs during the final review and it made me so nervous as it doesn't feel like a normal presentation, which I am also usually terrified of. Ani we had to lakat-lakatkan all our drawings and designs on the wall and talk and explain about our houses with 3 lecturers commenting and criticizing as we present. Esh.
So I didn't have the time to print out my work before the presentation so I asked to be excused during the class to print in the library. But unfortunately, I did not know how to use the stuff there and I think I broke some machine to topup my credit untuk printing.
So I walked back to class without anything to present. I brought Afiq's laptop (cos that's where i did my work pasal my laptop too cawer to use for the presentation) and my A4 drawings and decided to just use them to explain. I felt so horrible cos I did not have enough time to prepare that way.
So one by one, my classmates present their work. At last, tinggal me and my classmate, who did not have anything at all (and I mean no drawings, design, etc) so it was my turn to present, but then it was already almost time for the next lecture so my classmates had to go and I had to present arah my 3 lecturers saja. I told them that I will be presenting my work using the laptop and my drawings and they said it was alright. But then, baru jua I start speaking, Afiq's laptop abis battery. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
SO, they must've seen my face all kesian and one of them comforted me by saying "don't worry. we won't cut marks because of this. it's not your fault. we ran out of time and at least you were prepared to do the presentation (menyindir my classmate who was still there asking some stuff arah my other lecturer). just email your whole presentation to carl (my other lecturer) by tonight"
HAHAHAHAA. so i did. unfortunately, the file was so big that I didn't realise that the email failed to send. after i sent that email, i fell asleep and woke up at around 9ish. luckily i checked my email and found out the thing was not sent to my lecturer so i tried to divide the files to 6. but failed. so i broke down. sekali si afiq buatkan while i bawl, thinking i will never send the thing on time. the files were sent around 11ish. sampat jua before midnight. thanks, fiq :)
now architecture's off my mind for the year. except my field trip to holland masa easter, which i don't think i'll come.
abis architecture, i had to think about my problem sheet on structures and materials which was not much of a trouble. the problem is i found out quite late that my numerical analysis programming was due in two days (prior to the day i found out about it). i was so stressed that nothing can absorb lagi arah my head. So, i buang stress by shopping, finally :)
so today is the day numerical is due, and i couldnt finish it, i'll focus on the maths part of it saja nanti lah. next week, i mean, the test. must do well.
i do not want to go to the constructionarium meeting tomorrow. arah one of my old posts, i meantioned that i though i will be doing the footbridge, which i will not. i'm doing barcelona tower :(
so in this group, we had to divide into groups and each group works on different areas on the tower. i'm under the sketching group (duh) and i did my work 2 weeks ago. i good girl :) so i think i'm gonna just give my drawing to one of my groupmates and tell them i can't make it to the meeting tomorrow.
oooh, i can't wait for the holidays, though i'm worried about my workload during the holidays. my friend said that the coursework for one of the modules might take the whole cuti to complete. eksennya kali. kan takutkan. if cematu, im bringing that thing everywhere i go.
ooh, wordy post. sorry to bore you with this. happy easter!
4:48:00 PM