Friday, June 12, 2009
that was 3 days ago.
now sambung shopping for my family, family saja. cousins jgn tah eh :P
i'm so glad, i've got like 10kg more to go into my luggage, i was stressed out masa packing tadi, and i thought it's bye bye to boots shopping paradise. or superdrug paradise. atau apa saja yang ada beauty products. i think that would be the time i'd be able to really buang stress. it's like a therapy for me. i've already got this shower gel that i can't wait to try. cool aku ani eh.
i forgot to buy bajus for my amahs. kesian jua, balikan tah saja baju sebuting seorang lah.
oh, buy sims3. game of the month for me. kalah guitar hero. hahaha. at times guitar hero better pulang.
okay, i'm gonna clean up my room now.
12:26:00 AM
Monday, June 8, 2009
My eyes are strained from looking through the past year papers. BAYI I can't read his handwriting. 'Given' looks like 'Gwen'. And I had a hard time understanding this one whole paragraph, banyak 'is's and the sentences did not make sense until i realised that they're mostly 'i.e.'s.
Really can't read anymore. I've got 4 hours left til the exams. BRING IT ON.
5:07:00 AM
Monday, June 1, 2009

11:22:00 PM