naqiah aziz's blog
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

These past few days I've lost myself in playing video games. There's this unknown thing that keeps bugging me that wants me to be mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted and nothing I've done seems to satisfy it that it's driving me crazy.

I've always thought that playing video games is like a therapy for me.

I feel so restless and uncomfortable, that something's wrong that I just can't seem to get to the bottom of.

I wanna be in a happy place now, somewhere I can only dream of. Cos bad things are always around the corner.

2:35:00 PM

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Righteous Man by Sam Bourne.

I recommend.

I'm off. Gonna read The Final Reckoning next.

Everybody's going to the party, have a real good timmme!

3:11:00 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I think it's time for me to update:

FYI, I'm in Brunei now, and a month has passed..

Home. Bits here and there have changed but it feels familiar somehow. Like they've been there before I left. Most of the things were where I left them 9 months (then) ago. As for the ones at home, still the same old silliness :) si Syer makin bising pulang. Haha. And Danial makin bising.


"Hello? Siapa ni?"

"Eh, mana buleh bagitau"

"Kaka tau ni eh. Si Adik ni!"

"*sniggers* Au. Mana Danial?"

"Kajap Kaka panggil. Eneal! Wazif telifun Eneal ni"

so I eavesdropped.

"Hello? Apa?........ Terabang sudah..... Au..... Terabang sudah Spongebob. Ultraman inda..... Ok bye."

Can't help it. Banyak wah cerita adikku ani. What my brother refer 'terabang' atu was this Spongebob balloon. My sister accidentally released his balloon into the air. How I wish I was there to see his murderous face after that.

So I drove by myself today for the first time, with my body all stiff and hands clutching the steering wheel tightly. Haha. Inda lagi pandai buka headlights tu masa balik. I was all "Why are these people braking arah the highway ani?" Oh yeah... headlights. Btw, guys, sorry I tarus-tarus balik tadi ah, I had to go, I wanted to say goodbye tapi you guys bermain. Had fun playing tadi ;)

Currently listening to: I Hate This Part.

The world slows down but my heart beats fast right now.

I know this is the part where the end starts.


Still pretty psyched about the latest Harry Potter movie. I do want to watch it again. But now, I won't bore you with my Harry Potter babble. Probably would spend hours talking about it.

I need to bring Bambi to the vet ASAP. Do I have to wait until Wednesday to go to Rimba to get her checked? Bari sasak bah tutup saja atu. I spent loads on Cobus the other day, and I have a cat who's sick and another one at risk of catching it from his sister. I'll be broke if I bring them both to the private vet :(

I can't take it any longer

Thought that we were stronger

All we do is linger

Slipping through my fingers

Okay, so this song is on repeat. I admit, this song is getting into me. And I can't seem to stop listening to it.

But will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me?

Okay i feel the need to throw something now. Or probably scream. And I have no idea why.




3:46:00 PM