Friday, October 9, 2009
It's been 9 days...
...and about a month since I last updated hahaha.
I'm not going to talk about my preparations on my last week in Brunei to get back here, it's just one big blur.
I started my course this week and I'm pretty happy with my timetable... at times. Let's just say I am not looking forward to Week 6 onwards.
I only had one lecture on Monday. I would've been more thrilled if the class was not early in the morning (hahaha inda syukur). This only happens when I don't have lab classes though and I'm not sure whether I've only got 2 or 8 lab classes this semester (2 or 8 because I'm not sure if I've got my Architecture labs, usulnya ada 6 buting). The fact that I, most of the time, will have one lecture on MONDAYs somehow MADE me more motivated to attend all of my classes. HAHAHA.
Until the fateful next morning :(
Tuesday, I checked my SUSSED account and received an email from my Architecture lecturer about the change in time of the lecture. 10-1 instead of 9-11 the same day and at a different building from where our Architecture classes used to be. But according to my timetable, I had Structures and Dynamics scheduled at 11. So I decided to go to my classroom at 9 just to be sure. I also need to tell you that to get in the building where my classroom is, I need to use my ID card and key in the password. I was told where the building is though I've never heard of it. In the email, the lecturer said it's next to the car park and near the University Road, so I assumed it's this new building (gorgeous) yang baru siap.
So 15 minutes before 9, I left home and it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella. Pakai hoodie saja. I went to this new building, and tried to find the path to get there, because apparently, ada masih some construction work there. I walked around the building to find that rupanya the building atu balum siap... My bad.
So I went to this isolated building, a bit away from the Uni, where there's a car park lagi sebuting. I was already soaking wet at this time and it was already 9ish. But I didn't get it right again. Sooo I decided to look for a map in the Uni of the buildings and had to walk near the Hartley Library to get to it (I am NOT a fan of walking).
I should've done this earlier, I curse my own stupidity.
I found out where the building is, it's near the banks! And it would've been a short journey to get there. So I walked to the building, whipped out my card...
...but I forgot what the password was.
So I had to go back to the Library, log in to SUSSED and read the email again. Then I went back again to the building and keyed in the password.
Access denied.
In the email, it said to see the lecturer if there is any problem accessing the door but again, I cursed my stupidity for not writing down where his room is, so terpaksa lagi ke Library to get it.
Once I got it, I went to his room and told him I couldn't get in (just in case you are wondering why he is still in his room at 10am when he should be in class, another lecturer mengajar that class, not him). He said he bawa me ke sana to use his card. Sekali I explained to him how Architecture and Structure classes clash on Tuesday, he told me... he told me yang the Architecture lecture was held yesterday!
Rupanya I was supposed to read the email the day before. Panat wah, I didn't even bother to liat the time the email was sent, i just assumed the time change was for the same day :( so I said I won't need to access the building then. Hahaha. But he said my card should work fine next week. Monday, Naq.
Which means I'll have 4 hours of lectures on Monday! And if I were to have labs jua, I'd get a really full day.
After all that, I went to my FIRST lecture at 11. Structures and Dynamics. ML, he has this weird accent (it sounds a bit British but a touch of Chinese here and there) and gets extremely pissed if people is still talking 1 minute after the lecture starts. The other day, 5 minutes after lecture starts, he placed a sheet on the overhead and wrote down "Can I speak now?" and just stood there waiting for everyone to shut up.
The next class I had was DB, he is my personal tutor as well. He lectures Constructional Management ergh. He drones on about contracts (and that's the only thing I bothered to listen) and has really annoying gestures as he speaks and it kind of distracts me while I was trying to listen to what he is saying.
He goes on about the 2 types of contracts. Pauses. Takes a deep breath. Opens his mouth as if he tries to say something. Closes his mouth. Wobbles his head. Looks at the whiteboard. Looks at us. Wobbles his head. Gestures with his hand. Then finally continues to drone.
And you get that most of the time when he pauses, i'm not kidding. Not exactly following those steps, he can even wobble his head after he takes a deep breath. But he usually overdo his wobbling and that's the most annoying part.
What else do I have...
Soil Mechanics, taught be AZ, is the most confusing crap I'm studying. I was seriously happy when I found out Architecture students won't be taking Hydraulics lectures this year (HAHA to other students) but Soil Mechanics is actually similar. I didn't understand what was going on. And I don't know what is up with my lecturer's accent, but whatever I hear is just "odokolobomoogocoboododopobomokoso". It's like the only vowel he uses is 'o'.
"Of yoo look ot tho doyogrom.."
Then I have Transport Engineering. A bit interesting, no annoying lecturers, except that he twitches whenever he speaks but that doesn't bother me.
Engineering Materials seems to be the most interesting one I'm having (not counting Architecture since I missed the first lecture) taught by SM. It's like Chemistry, on the first lecture, we studied Form4 Chemistry and that was alright. I like Chemistry. I do not know why I didn't take that as my course saja. And SM is pretty good. He saved my life last year when I did my Mechanics. Hahaha.
So I guess that was my first week. At home, we're still settling a few stuff, kan memajal our housemate to get a PS3. Haha. See ya.
9:45:00 AM